
Monday, 6 October 2014

Identifying Temper Tantrums

Identifying Temper Tantrums Through the Ages
Infants usually cry out when they have a dirty diaper or are hungry. When these needs are met, they usually calm down and are comforted by a warm hug or being fed and they fall asleep. 

Toddlers usually show most temper tantrums at the stages of the "terrible twos" and sometimes prolong  to ages three and four. Some of these tantrums result from being impatient, frustrated and most times not getting what they want like a sweet snack, time to leave an event or boredom. 

Young children  show temper tantrums less than toddlers because they are older and can control their emotions and have developed their skills of pretense and coping. But we must be reminded of their ability to use certain techniques that "embarrasses" us. They are sometimes more difficult to deal with as your creative intuitions have to play an even more important role of making the right decision. 

         This link below has been a helpful guide to identifying those tantrums:

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