Does this look familiar? Well it brings me back to when I was about that age, all I ever had was a doll or maybe some imaginary friend. With the technological boom kids have grown into using the smartphones and internet by age of two, even if so old. It's like "wow", look what we have done. We no longer have face to face conversations but we message each other via text whilst sitting around a table saying "this food sucks!!" Our kids are now are a generation that is growing rapidly therefore social media is best communication channel best suited for them. Social media platforms creates attention, a space for their voices to be heard , for views and comments about experiences to be voiced and for someone to give their opinion. Would you create this environment for your kid?
Always an interesting topic regarding the younger generation and use of technology. There are the obvious benefits (communication with family and friends, access to the arts, music and whatever else you are in the mood to search. However care must be taken to limit the negative aspects; the cyber bullying and the alienating effect that comes with obsessive use of the technology. Irks me to see people sitting around a table and rather than interacting everyone is on their phones.