
Thursday, 9 October 2014

Tips for Avoiding Temper Tantrums

Tips for Avoiding Temper Tantrums

If you feel as though you want to "pull all your hair off," well you need to try these tips, otherwise your hair may fall off all on its own. 

  • Always walk with an extra snack and drink that your kid likes especially when you visit the doctor office, bank or meetings. 
  • Make sure that before you leave the house they had a meal.
  • Dress them in comfortable clothing.
  • Make sure they get enough rest and sleep time.
  • Advise them that the place you are going too will be fun but you may have to stay a while.
  • From viewing the television series Supernanny, "time out" is one means of controlling your kids temper tantrums. It may be difficult at first when you introduce them to the "time out" corner but you'll get the hang of it.

1 comment:

  1. My sister asked me the other day," krissy what will you do when your kid starts to throw temper tantrumps?" I honestly said I don't know. Your blog gave me good advice so now I will be using some of these tactics.
